Device templates

Device Templates define the format in which the data is exchanged between devices and Azure. The data can be either a Property or Telemetry. Property describes an actual value — for example a software version number, and Telemetry is used to observe changes in values — for example time series temperature data.

If you select the Property option, then Cloud Bridge will report data to the Device Twin. For the Telemetry data it uses the Azure Device-to-cloud mechanism. All devices must be associated with a Template. If you do not have a template that suits the devices you are importing you can create a new one.

Creating a new Template

1. Navigate to the Templates tab

2. Click on the + Add new button

3. Enter a name for the new Template

4. Click on the Next step button

5. LwM2M Server and Device objects are prepopulated

6. Click on the Object name to expand the available data values

7. Tick the required values and select either Property or Telemetry for those selected

8. Click Add missing objects button to add more objects

9. Expand the object and tick to select required values as before

10. Click Next step and the Click Save template

Your new Template can now be selected when importing devices to Azure.